More than 3,335 years ago, the children of Israel stood as one nation at the foot of the Mount Sinai and received the Torah from G‑d. Each year on the holiday of Shavuot, this historic event is re-lived as the Ten Commandments are read from the Torah.

At Chabad of Poway, we offer many events for your entire family to celebrate with us. Please join us at our annual Ice cream party and Ten commandments reading.


Wishing you a happy Shavuot,


June 11, 10:30pm

Please join us on Tuesday night, June 11 at 10:30pm for an all-night learning as we delve into many interesting Torah topics by varies speakers.

To RSVP or if you would like to join the speakers panel, Please email [email protected]

There will be plenty of coffee and refreshments

We hope to see you there!

Wednesday, June 12, 11:00 am

Come with your entire family to hear the 10 Commandments read from the Torah, as it was read on Mount Sinai! Followed by a Dairy Buffett Kiddush!

Our Sages explain that before G‑d gave the Torah to the Jewish People, He demanded guarantors. The people suggested our forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; but these were not sufficient. They cited many other great leaders and people but G‑d did not accept them either! Finally, they declared, "Our children will be our guarantors!" G‑d immediately accepted and agreed to give them the Torah.

The Jewish Children were — and still are — the guarantors and transmitters of the Torah. Our commitment to their education has always been the best assurance to the continuity of Torah and Mitzvoth . When G‑d gave the Torah on Mt. Sinai, every Jewish child was present. Let us ensure that our children will be there this year too!

You are cordially invited to join us for a one-of-a-kind dairy buffet kiddush in honor of Shavuot! Get together with family and friends, and enjoy delicious hot lasagna, salads, cheesecakes, ice cream and more!

Reading of the Ten Commandments is at 11:00am
Dairy Buffet Kiddush to follow.

Men, women and children are invited.




Tuesday evening - June 11
Evening Service: 7:30 pm

All Night Torah-thon: 10:30pm

Wednesday - June 12
Morning Services: 10:00 am
10 Commandments reading: 11:00 am
Dairy Kiddush Buffet: 12:00 pm
Evening Services: 7:40 pm

Thursday - June 13
Morning Services: 10:00 am
Yizkor Memorial Service: 11:00 am

Join us for services at 16934 Chabad Way, Poway