Family Name: Child's Name: Hebrew/Jewish Age and grade (as of 9-01-18) Date of birth Prior Hebrew Education ------------------------------------------ Second Child Hebrew/Jewish Age and grade (as of 9-01-18) Date of birth Prior Hebrew Education ------------------------------------------ If you are re registering please skip to #3 if however your info has changed please correct it. |
Mothers info Mother's name Hebrew name Address City , CA Zip Phone: Home Work Cell Occupation: Father's info Father's name Hebrew name Address City , CA Zip Phone: Home Work Cell Occupation: |
Were there any conversions in your family? Yes No Were there any adoptions? Yes No If you clicked yes on any of the above questions please explain. If not, type no below): Are the natural parent's of the child/ren Jewish*? Father Mother Other Children Living at Home (Names and Ages) Does your child have any learning difficulties with general studies? Yes No Please explain
What school does your child attend? *Important: Our accepted definition of "Jewish" means: Mother born of a Jewish mother or can show certification of a Kosher orthodox conversion. We will not turn anyone away from a Jewish education, however in order to celebrate Bar/Bat Mitzvah the above requirements are necessary. |
Medical Information Are there any medical conditions/allergies or pertinent information regarding your child, which we should be aware of?
Emergency Contact Information Name Phone Relationship
Parents Signature Date Please do not include my in the school directory Please do not publish any photographs of my child
At the Poway Hebrew School we don't charge synagogue or temple membership nor do we charge a building fee. Please see below for our tuition schedule. The best supplementary Jewish education in town, a true bargain: