Mommy and Me
For Infants, Toddlers and Moms.
Saturday 11:30 -12:30pm
Sunday April 2
Sunday March 5
Join Mommy and Me
A great beginning for your child's education!
Our Mommy & Me program offers a great opportunity to meet other moms, share experiences, discuss child growth and development as we explore our rich heritage. This is a great way to learn and experience Jewish traditions in a lively and warm atmosphere, while promoting early childhood development. Join our Mommy and Me program in San Diego county today!
what age and when?
Ages 0 - 3 years.
Sunday Mornings, 9:30 - 10:30 AM
We welcome all Jewish children regardless of background or affiliation.
Sign up Today!
For more info, or to join call (858) 333-1361 or
E-mail: shterna
Call now to Reserve a space for the school year of 2015/16.
Upcoming Events
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contact us for more info about our events.