Dear Friend,
During these challenging times we offer you these virtual courses from the JLI institute free of charge.
The classes will be offered via zoom and on the phone.

To receive the details, access code and student materials for each class click on the picture or link below. 


“Maimonides: The Man, the Myth, the Magnum Opus,” 




“Maimonides: The Man, the Myth, the Magnum Opus,” 
Join us this Thursday at 7:00 PM for a sweeping multimedia presentation, introducing you to the Rambam’s inspirational life, his monumental achievement of the Mishneh Torah, and the Rebbe’s institution of daily Rambam study. Celebrating the completion of the 39th annual study cycle! 
Join us Thursday, July 9 at  7:00pm on Zoom!

email: [email protected] for the Zoom info.


Positivity Bias: Stories to Reframe Our Experience of These Turbulent Times

Followed by a Cantorial Shabbat Prayer by Cantor Albert Kadosch  

Date: Fridays
Time: 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm 

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Judaism At Home 

A five-part Jewish literacy series about how Judaism is observed at home, which is particularly relevant at this time, when the only place Judaism can thrive is at home. 

Time: 8:00-9:00 pm 




Days to Celebrate: Demystifying Lesser-Known Festivals of the Jewish Calendar

Date: Thursdays
Time: 1:00-2:00 pm 

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Cultivating Character: Life Wisdom from the Ethics of Our Fathers

Date: Wednesdays 
Time: 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm


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